Opožděně do výroční ankety
Promeškal jsem příležitost přispět v anketě, kterou ke svým narozeninám a hlavně ke dni lidských práv, uspořádalo JDI. Na svou obhajobu uvádím, že jsem byl v předmětném období dost zaneprázdněn, především věcmi, které by JDI měly být po chuti. Bylo by ovšem nespravedlivé, aby vás tyto okolnosti připravily o mé odpovědi. Pojďme tedy na otázky, které JDI…
2023 and other numbers
Inclusion Europe year-end summary. Dear friends, colleagues. I want to thank each and every one of you for all your work supporting full rights and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. 2023 saw a lot of things we can proudly share in a year-end summary. And we wouldn’t be here without the dedication, hard work,…
Inclusion Europe is 35 this year, and you wouldn’t know it.
Today (14 December 2023) in Brussels, we’ll be having a little celebration of Inclusion Europe anniversary. We are 35 this year. I’m looking forward to meet some of the people who contribute to our work towards full rights and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. It’s always a pleasure. Now, you’d probably…
Inclusion indicators
New report shows for the first time what the “European way of life” means for 20 million people with intellectual disabilities and their families. This new report shows information about 29 countries, 23 of them in the EU. Key findings: In 26 countries, a person’s legal capacity can be removed, and they cannot decide about…
Disability inclusion in European associations
There are over 100 million people with disabilities in Europe. That’s a population larger than the largest of EU member states. But how many people with disabilities do you know who sit on the boards of associations, who are in the decision-making roles in these organisations? The Boardroom magazine invited me to write about this,…