Tag: European Union

  • Deinstitutionalisation and families

    Today I spoke during a EESC hearing about challenges of the transition from institutional to community-based support for persons with disabilities and the role of families as their carers. I talked about priorities in deinstitutionalisation, one of which must be making the changes work for people with complex support needs too. They are often left…

  • Just some work from last year which, in retrospect, makes me happy.

    Just some work from last year which, in retrospect, makes me happy.

    I don’t know about you but I don’t find project reporting particularly enjoyable. It doesn’t help when it is all about a year which itself was incredibly hard. But there is one element to it which is quite gratifying: seeing all of the year’s work collected and summarised together. It gives you a perspective on…

  • Neglect and discrimination multiplied

    Neglect and discrimination multiplied

    Inclusion Europe has published a new report on how the coronavirus and the measures implemented in response to the pandemic have impacted on the rights and lives of people with intellectual disabilities. It makes for grim reading, finding that the discrimination and neglect faced by those with intellectual disabilities worsened during the pandemic. Politico.eu The Inclusion Europe…

  • The plight of Europe’s disabled under coronavirus

    What coronavirus and the lockdown highlights is the ongoing segregation and discrimination of people with intellectual disabilities, especially in access to healthcare. This problem is not likely to have a “lockdown exit strategy” any time soon. My article in EU Observer published 21 April 2020. (A copy here too.) Czech version: Koronakrize z pohledu lidí…

  • Disability strategy: EU should be the change it wants to see

    Today (1 July 2020) Inclusion Europe contributed to a consultation on the next European Disability Strategy, organised by Helena Dalli, EU Commissioner for Equality. Alongside other EU disability organisations Inclusion Europe recognises the significance of the strategy to date. And we know very well what we want from the next one. Clear direction matters. (Of course we are not the only ones to have high expectations.)…