Tag: deinstitutionalisation

  • Opožděně do výroční ankety

    Promeškal jsem příležitost přispět v anketě, kterou ke svým narozeninám a hlavně ke dni lidských práv, uspořádalo JDI. Na svou obhajobu uvádím, že jsem byl v předmětném období dost zaneprázdněn, především věcmi, které by JDI měly být po chuti. Bylo by ovšem nespravedlivé, aby vás tyto okolnosti připravily o mé odpovědi. Pojďme tedy na otázky, které JDI…

  • In conversation with… Podcast series on Inclusion Europe Radio

    In conversation with… Podcast series on Inclusion Europe Radio

    To tell about different stories, experiences, and perspectives on the work we are doing on Inclusion Europe. That is, broadly ;-), the aim of a new podcast series we started in April 2022 at Inclusion Europe Radio. The conversations are hosted by Soufiane El Amrani and me (sometimes, I go it alone). Listen to the…

  • Supporting a person to establish their new life during deinstitutionalisation

    Every person leaving an institution needs support in establishing a new life, and in overcoming the harm and trauma caused by institutionalisation. Presentation of principles and some examples of supporting people with intellectual disabilities to live independently and to be included. With particular focus on support for people leaving “care” institutions. I made this presentation…

  • Right to live independently and to be included; Deinstitutionalisation; Support

    Many politicians, public authorities, and disability service providers act as if they don’t know what the law says about inclusion of people with disabilities.As if they never heard of good disability support. They keep forcing people into “care” institutions, even building new ones.They delay the necessary de-segregation with talk about “need for evidence”, or about…

  • Funders bear responsibility for what their money does

    It is not acceptable for funders to continue paying for segregation of people with intellectual disabilities. All funders need to respect the rights of people with disabilities.They need to listen to what people with disabilities are saying about how the money should be used. Funders are, for example: Countries (including national, regional, local public budgets);…

  • “Deinstitutionalisation: The present and the future”

    “Deinstitutionalisation: The present and the future”

    The EEG (European Expert Group) is a coalition of organisations advocating to replace institutionalisation with family- and community-based support. The EEG has played big part in establishing deinstitutionalisation as part of EU policies, and promoting the use of EU funds for this purpose. The EEG has created a number of useful tools, such as: Guidelines…

  • Transformation of services for persons with disabilities – summary of report by UN Special Rapporteur

    Gerard Quinn, the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, published a report on transformation of services for people with disabilities. I tried to summarise. (Written for Inclusion Europe.) The report calls for support services to implement these changes: Services based on personhood, focused on supporting personal development and inclusion in the community. Policy…

  • Články a rozhovory 2022

    Články a rozhovory 2022

    Disability Debrief: Escaping institutions, and their shadows Milan Šverepa of Inclusion Europe told me that it’s “ironic” that “one size fits all has become the prevalent approach” in approaching deinstitutionalisation. He is concerned that the move out of institutions is leaving people with intellectual disabilities behind, especially those with complex support needs: “The main goals and key principles…

  • It can be done: Report on social care written to be read and understood

    It can be done: Report on social care written to be read and understood

    I was supposed to have a day off work that Friday. I was supposed to spend it off social media too. But I did neither, and I’m very happy with that. The day before, the United Kingdom’s House of Lords (parliament’s second chamber) published a report by its Adult Social Care Committee called “A gloriously…

  • On resilience

    Reflections on Europe in Action to End Segregation conference, September, Brussels. Originally published on Inclusion Europe blog. Oh, it was so delightful to have people around for the 3 days of our Europe in Action to End Segregation conference last week. To be able to see and feel the other persons reactions, emotions, body language.…