Inclusion Europe is 35 this year, and you wouldn’t know it.
Today (14 December 2023) in Brussels, we’ll be having a little celebration of Inclusion Europe anniversary. We are 35 this year. I’m looking forward to meet some of the people who contribute to our work towards full rights and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. It’s always a pleasure. Now, you’d probably…
Inclusion indicators
New report shows for the first time what the “European way of life” means for 20 million people with intellectual disabilities and their families. This new report shows information about 29 countries, 23 of them in the EU. Key findings: In 26 countries, a person’s legal capacity can be removed, and they cannot decide about…
Goodbye Eastern Europe
Just notes and archives of some books I read and find interesting and relevant. “An intimate history of a divided land.” Surprising, revealing, and ultimately optimistic despite everything read. My book of 2023. “Many peoples, faiths, languages lived together, in a loose symbiosis, strong enough to last for centuries. It was not always peaceful or…