Category: Blog

  • End-of-year reading and listening recommendations

    As many do at the end of a year, I also shared some reading and listening recommendations from 2021. 🕵️‍♀️ This series of Investigate Europe articles on private money in old people care is definitely worth the time of anyone interested in social services. 🔥 Inclusion Dialogue podcast is always very interesting to get new…

  • Shrnutí 2021 v evropské sociální politice

    V roce 2021 se odehrálo na evropské úrovni docela dost zajímavých a důležitých věcí. Stojí za to, minimálně pro mne, si je tady připomenout a ozdrojovat. Zároveň se dá to samé očekávat od roku tohoto i dalších. Sociální politika nabírá v EU stále většího významu. Stay tuned. Téměř všechny odkazy vedou na anglické texty. Pokud anglicky neumíte,…

  • 2021 at Inclusion Europe, and related news

    Bringing you an overview of news, reports, policies covered in Include newsletter this year. Subscribe here not to miss anything next time around. * And a bit of other stuff, too. Oh, and this was 2020 by the way. Hello. I hope you find this a useful reminder of some things that happened this year. When it’s…

  • Better job opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities

    Soufiane El Amrani and Milan Šveřepa wrote an article about employment, published in Dutch here. Below is an English version: „As a person with intellectual disabilities I think it is important for all people with intellectual disabilities to have a job like everyone else,“ says Soufiane El Amrani, self-advocacy and easy-to-read officer at Inclusion Europe. „Having a job…

  • Budujte vztahy, ne baráky

    Příspěvek na konferenci FSS Ostravské univerzity o transformaci sociálních služeb v listopadu 2021: Ústav = kumulované bydlení + segregace prostorem a činností + podřízenost pravidlům zařízení Deinstitucionalizace = sociální služba – negativa výše Tedy poskytování podpory, která má člověka a jeho přání a potřeby v centru pozornosti; pomáhá být součástí světa kolem. Také podpora rodin,…

  • Build relationships, not houses

    Last 2 days have been about learning how supporting living works in Greece, and how to improve it and make it available to many more people. It was a conference in Athens, held by Estia to mark 10 years of providing supported living services. They kindly invited me to talk about support for independent living and inclusion to…

  • Recommendations for Polish deinstitutionalisation strategy

    Polskie Forum Osób z Niepełnosprawnościami organised a conference called “We have the right to live independently. We cannot wait any longer”, and I was invited to speak during a panel about the Polish deinstitutionalisation strategy and “whether we have to wait until 2030?” I offered suggestions for deinstitutionalisation: Prevent institutionalisation of those living in the…

  • Deinstitutionalisation and families

    Today I spoke during a EESC hearing about challenges of the transition from institutional to community-based support for persons with disabilities and the role of families as their carers. I talked about priorities in deinstitutionalisation, one of which must be making the changes work for people with complex support needs too. They are often left…

  • Institutionalisation of old people in Czechia

    Forum for human rights, Validity launch of report on institutionalisation of old people, September 2021. My remarks:   Massive institutionalisation of older people demonstrates the failure of policy when it comes to securing support and care. It stems from lack of understanding how support and care should and can be provided. And it is based…

  • Voter suppression? That’s fine by us says European Court of Human Rights

    Written for Inclusion Europe 13 September 2021. When the news is filled with clawing away of people’s rights, and chipping away on the rule of law, what does a democratic-minded person do to keep hopeful and level-headed? We look up to the institutions charged with protecting them, of course. But what does one do when…