Category: Blog

  • 2022. Enough said

    As I write my usual end-of-year summary, there is only one topic that can be in focus: The incredibly courageous response of the Ukrainian people with disabilities and their families facing genocidal Russian war. And alongside it, the solidarity and support provided by all of you in the European and international Inclusion community. What Inclusion…

  • It can be done: Report on social care written to be read and understood

    It can be done: Report on social care written to be read and understood

    I was supposed to have a day off work that Friday. I was supposed to spend it off social media too. But I did neither, and I’m very happy with that. The day before, the United Kingdom’s House of Lords (parliament’s second chamber) published a report by its Adult Social Care Committee called “A gloriously…

  • On resilience

    Reflections on Europe in Action to End Segregation conference, September, Brussels. Originally published on Inclusion Europe blog. Oh, it was so delightful to have people around for the 3 days of our Europe in Action to End Segregation conference last week. To be able to see and feel the other persons reactions, emotions, body language.…

  • If you are being overlooked in normal times, it is unlikely that anyone will take you into account during a crisis

    If you are being overlooked in normal times, it is unlikely that anyone will take you into account during a crisis

    I was kindly invited by FEANTSA to contribute to their magazine about the impact of the Russian war on Ukraine. This is what I wrote: The situation of people with disabilities in Ukraine There are over 2.7 million people with disabilities in Ukraine, of which some 260,000 are people with intellectual disabilities. They often experience severe…

  • “Musíme v lidech budovat důvěru, že to, co po nich žádáme, je správné, jasné a že věříme v jejich schopnost to udělat.”

    Po dlouhém přemýšlení, jak shrnout poznámky ze setkání minulý týden na téma transformace sociálních služeb, nabízím nakonec toto: Výtah z rozhovoru se mnou, který vyšel v knize “The Development, Conceptualisation and Implementation of Quality in Disability Support Services” loni v létě. Pokrývá dost z toho, o čem byla minulý týden řeč. Proč je deinstitucionalizace /…

  • Protecting people with intellectual disabilities and their families during russian war on Ukraine

    Key parts of Inclusion Europe work to support people with intellectual disabilities and families in Ukraine: Fundraising and financial support There are 14,000 families brought together by our member in Ukraine alone. Many of them without jobs, pensions because of the war. Inclusion Europe launched an emergency fundraiser to help them. By mid-April, we raised…

  • End-of-year reading and listening recommendations

    As many do at the end of a year, I also shared some reading and listening recommendations from 2021. 🕵️‍♀️ This series of Investigate Europe articles on private money in old people care is definitely worth the time of anyone interested in social services. 🔥 Inclusion Dialogue podcast is always very interesting to get new…

  • Shrnutí 2021 v evropské sociální politice

    V roce 2021 se odehrálo na evropské úrovni docela dost zajímavých a důležitých věcí. Stojí za to, minimálně pro mne, si je tady připomenout a ozdrojovat. Zároveň se dá to samé očekávat od roku tohoto i dalších. Sociální politika nabírá v EU stále většího významu. Stay tuned. Téměř všechny odkazy vedou na anglické texty. Pokud anglicky neumíte,…

  • 2021 at Inclusion Europe, and related news

    Bringing you an overview of news, reports, policies covered in Include newsletter this year. Subscribe here not to miss anything next time around. * And a bit of other stuff, too. Oh, and this was 2020 by the way. Hello. I hope you find this a useful reminder of some things that happened this year. When it’s…

  • Better job opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities

    Soufiane El Amrani and Milan Šveřepa wrote an article about employment, published in Dutch here. Below is an English version: „As a person with intellectual disabilities I think it is important for all people with intellectual disabilities to have a job like everyone else,“ says Soufiane El Amrani, self-advocacy and easy-to-read officer at Inclusion Europe. „Having a job…