10 otázok pre..
Rozhovor v časopice Informácie ZPMP SR, prosinec 2024. Spomeniete si na moment, dôvod, prečo ste sa rozhodli pre štúdium sociálnej práce? Ovlivnila mne četba Petra Uhla. Jeho důraz na lidská práva, pohled upřený na sociální nespravedlnosti v době, kdy se to zrovna nenosilo. A také jsme hledal obor, kde nevyžadovali přijímací zkoušku z matematiky. Kto bol, alebo…
Disability inclusion in European associations
There are over 100 million people with disabilities in Europe. That’s a population larger than the largest of EU member states. But how many people with disabilities do you know who sit on the boards of associations, who are in the decision-making roles in these organisations? The Boardroom magazine invited me to write about this,…
Články a rozhovory 2022
Disability Debrief: Escaping institutions, and their shadows Milan Šverepa of Inclusion Europe told me that it’s “ironic” that “one size fits all has become the prevalent approach” in approaching deinstitutionalisation. He is concerned that the move out of institutions is leaving people with intellectual disabilities behind, especially those with complex support needs: “The main goals and key principles…
Protecting people with intellectual disabilities and their families during russian war on Ukraine
Key parts of Inclusion Europe work to support people with intellectual disabilities and families in Ukraine: Fundraising and financial support There are 14,000 families brought together by our member in Ukraine alone. Many of them without jobs, pensions because of the war. Inclusion Europe launched an emergency fundraiser to help them. By mid-April, we raised…